Date men from Canada / Ontario / Cavan, 54 year old

Date a soulmate from Ontario, Canada. I grew up in a small city and am presently living in the country.I enjoy spending time with my family as it usually involves reconnecting with my family from out of town and lots of great food.I appreciate the simpler things in life more so than when I was younger.The sunsets and the stars in the night sky are so much more spectacular in the country.Life is serious most of the time so I try to take advantage of any opportunity at humour as it presents itself.I enjoy volunteering with HFH as it allows people to obtain affordable housing which they might not otherwise be able to find.Although my building skills are limited I have learned something new each time out,also meeting new people is a bonus.Having been seperated for over 6 years I am hoping to move on and start enjoing life with someone special. I am hoping to meet someone with whom I share some common interests and hopefully develop this friendship into a long term relationship.