Date men and women from Canada / Northwest Territories / Inuvik, 61 year old

Date men and women from Inuvik, Canada. Has a quirky sense of humor; likes to always be doing things; not too moody; tolerates many types; frisky. Likes the colder parts of the planet. Believes in some things we cannot really understand. Cannot tolerate vegans or green-peacers of the far-out type, nor rigid Christians who try to follow the book rather than logic and common sense. You like to 'play' as well as work and might have a frisky sens of fun.You are not a city girl who needs fashion and regular visits to salons! You dress for the weather rather than the style.You'd rather be comfortable rather than all dressed up for the city and you could actually butcher an animal. You might like to sing and listen to the lyrics rather than the heavy beat.

All men
All 24 25 27 33 36 39 42 51 61
All Inuvik Yellowknife