Date men from Canada / New Brunswick / Albrights Corner

Date a man from New Brunswick, Canada. Ok well, quiet untill you get to know me. Easy going. Love nature and just being out in the woods. Don't like crowded places of any type (nightclubs,malls). Do like a good old house party, if its not too crowded. Grew up in the country near a small town, so I'd have to say I'm a bit of a country boy. I'm not a big fan of technology, had a cell phone, hated it, got rid of it, don't want another one. The internet not impressed by it, so I'm not online very often. I'm not good at starting a conversation, but I do listen and can carry on a conversation. I know my problem, I tend to think too much, which is why I'm usualy quiet. But thats the way I am and do not think that will ever change. So I am looking for somebody willing to accept me for who I am and the way that I am.