Date men and women from Canada / Manitoba / Garson, 24 year old

Date a guy from Manitoba, Canada. Most people would say that I'm pretty quiet, but I'm trying to break out of that shell. Just looking for something new different. I'm currently a paramedic student and hope to be working within the next two years.

Meet a girl from Manitoba, Canada. I'm honest and reliable, two traits I'm personally very proud of. I've been told I'm funny and entertaining...given the right people are with me, otherwise I can be quite shy at times. I've been through alot relationship wise and am just looking for someone to be my best friend, to be open and honest with me, to laugh and be silly with!

Date people from Manitoba, Canada. Wow... It is so hard to describe myself in 4000 characters. I will start by saying that I am not a black and white person, with me, basically everything is grey area. I guess I like to think of myself as balanced in that sense, or trying to achieve balance anyways, so it is important for me to also find someone else who is balanced. By that, I mean, someone who is willing to be fun and adventurous and try white water rafting and skydiving with me, but still be content with just cuddling on the couch. Oh yeah, I am a sap too, haha, but really, what girl isn't. I am looking for someone who has a good sense of humour like I do, someone who knows when it is time to be funny and time to be serious.
If I were to describe myself in 1 word it would be REAL. I am not one of those girls who pretends to be someone they are not just to impress someone, because I want someone to love me for who I am. Again, I think that is why balance is so important. I am the type of girl to talk when I have something to say, but not just for the sake of talking or to destroy quiet, but HEY if I have a funny story you better believe it is coming out!
I am a mischievious in a playful way. I like to play jokes on people, but nothing harmful of course. But, at the same time, I really buckle down and take the tasks given to me seriously.
I like being active and outside, but I also like to sit down and read a book.
I am a huge fan of camping, but I am afraid of bears.
I am a very motivated person, but hey if I get the chance to sleep in, you better believe I am taking it.
My New Year's Resolution is to be more spontaneous, although I will never be wreckless.
I am a very positive person (there is no grey area for this one lol). I tend to try to avoid (if possible) situations that will be negative.
Hmmm... I guess writing this is getting easier than I though.
I love my family and am very close to them.
My friends are also very important to me. I also believe it is important to keep them and have time with them even when you are in a relationship.
Other things that are important to me:
- manners (I am very polite and have good manners)
- hygiene (Uncleanliness is a dealbreaker for me)
- maturity
- someone who knows what they want
I graduated university last year, and am currently in search of a teaching job, although right now I work at the university, as well as a restaurant for the time being.
Oh one last thing... this June I am volunteering in FIJI! I am SOOOO excited :)!
That is all I can think of... if you want to know anything else, ask!